After graduating from Şehremini Anatolian High School in Istanbul, Belcim Taşçıoğlu received her B.A in History from the Middle East Technical University and completed her M.Sc. in the Department of Middle East Studies at METU. As an undergraduate, she also attended London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) in London, where she took various courses. Some of the primary sources for her thesis were gathered during a visit to Israel during which the author undertook Hebrew language training at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and also during fieldwork carried out in Israel. In addition to Turkish, she speaks English, French and Hebrew and she is able to read Ottoman-Turkish. She is currently learning Arabic.
Her areas of interest include nationalism, secularism studies, religion and Middle East politics. During her studies, Belcim Taşçıoğlu researched the relationship between nationalism and religion, and developed a particular interest in the construction of modern national identities. She defended her MSc dissertation titled " Nation and State Building in Israel (1948-1967) and Turkey (1923-1946): A Comparative Assessment" under the supervision of Professor Dr. Ayşegül Aydıngün at the METU. She continues to conduct research on nationalism, secularism, national identity and minority issues.